Ngày làm mới: 19-12-2013
    Mã hồ sơ: 7789 Xem: 725
    Thông tin cá nhân
    Họ và tên:
    Nguyễn Thị Bình
    Ngày sinh:
    Giới tính:
    Tình trạng hôn nhân:
    Độc thân
    Trình độ học vấn
    Trình độ học vấn:
    Đại học
    Ngành học:
    Coporate Finance - Banking and Finance
    Năm tốt nghiệp:
    2013 (Giỏi)
    Tốt nghiệp trường:
    Học viện Tài Chính
    Trình độ ngoại ngữ:
    English - Tiếng Anh
    Trình độ tin học:
    Trình độ B
    Các bằng cấp khác:
    • 012/2013: Reached 715 TOEIC certification granted by IIG.
    • 08/2012: Had a very good certification of Tax Accounting and declaration, customs declaration course granted by The Tax Department -Academy of Finance.
    • 06/2012: Talented a very good c
    Kinh nghiệm làm việc
    Số năm kinh nghiệm:
    Dưới 1 năm
    Kinh nghiệm làm việc:
    • 07/2013 - 08/2013: Worked as an accountant doubles as a business assistant, administrative -personnel staff in the Zviet Technology Company Limited.
    - Managed daily expenditure & revenue doubles as was a cashier, set financial statements for manager.
    - Registered tax, declared and submitted tax.
    - Managed personnel: recruitment, timekeeping.
    - Was responsible for the documentation and administration of the company.
    - Researched the market and managed goods sources.
    • 12/2012 - 04/2013: Interned in Anh Duc Trading and Package Printing Company Limited (Ha Noi).
    - Worked with the accounting documents.
    - Analyzed and identified financial situation through Financial Statement.
    - Controlled the capital flow process including mobilization, use, management decentralization.
    - Evaluated efficiency as well as controlled the risk in the process of using capital.
    - Participated in managing and evaluating investment project efficiency.
    - Consulted and proposed solutions to improve the use efficiency of capital.
    • 20/10/2013, 08/03/2011, 08/03/2012, 03/08/2013: Sold the flowers around Academy of Finance.
    - Identified cost, price, revenue.
    - Found input and output market.
    - Was responsible for sales stage.
    • 04/2012: Sold promotional household goods for shop.
    - Managed Database of items.
    - Was responsible for promoting sales.
    - Consulted choice of customers and answered the essential questions.
    • 20/03/2011 - 04/05/2011: Multi-level sales for Oriflame Company.
    - Found customers, contacted, recommended and consulted for customers about the company's products.
    - Deployed and expanded the business network for company.
    Kỹ năng nổi bật:
    • Skill of financial situation analysis, identification through Financial Statement, the control of cash flow, project management, risk management, consulting capital promotion solutions for company.
    • Skill of management, arranging data scientificly.
    • Understand the accounting profession, know how to manage capital & costs.
    • Know how to declare and account tax, declare customs.
    • Know how to set up the Financial Statement.
    • Computer literacy: Word, Excel, Powerpoint.
    • Have the ability to communicate and use English in work.
    • Hard-working, energetic, creative, active, and responsible.
    Công việc mong muốn
    Vị trí mong muốn:
    Acountant - Creditor
    Chức vụ mong muốn:
    Nhân viên
    Ngành nghề:
    Ngân hàng
    Hình thức làm việc:
    Toàn thời gian cố định
    Địa điểm làm việc:
    Hà Nội, Hải Dương
    Mức lương mong muốn:
    Thỏa Thuận
    Mục tiêu nghề nghiệp:
    As a student of Banking and Finance, specializing in Corporate Finance and having a great passion for the financial accounting job, I would like to work in a dynamic environment to prove my knowledge and ability, help company become stronger and stronger about financial potential.
    Nguồn tham khảo
    Nguồn tham khảo:
    Họ và tên: Bui Thanh Cong
    Địa chỉ: Linh Nam, Ha Noi
    Điện thoại: 0903593568
    Nghề nghiệp: Planning department staff
    Thời gian quen biết: Internship
    Họ và tên: Cao Van Quan
    Địa chỉ: Hoang Mai, Hà Noi
    Điện thoại: 0986497604
    Nghề nghiệp: Delivery staff
    Thời gian quen biết: Work for shop
    Thông tin liên hệ
    Người liên hệ:
    Nguyễn Thị Bình
    Địa chỉ liên hệ:
    Số nhà 53, Ngõ 224, Đường Hoàng Mai, P. Hoàng Văn Thụ, Q. Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội
    Email liên hệ:
    Điện thoại liên hệ:
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